
  • woman with horse

    The lack of therapeutic intervention has been a longstanding frustration for those who study concussions and other traumatic brain injuries. Now some Georgia researchers may be making headway in addressing the issue…

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  • Students and staff in lab

    Such treatments could be highly beneficial, for example, to veterans. Many veterans suffer from TBIs incurred through shock waves from explosions, with no physical focal point of injury…

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  • cmat cell

    “Everything we do centers on bringing together the educational and biomedical community to accelerate workforce training initiatives statewide and beyond,”…

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  • Exosome stroke brains

    “Until now, we had very little evidence specific to neural exosome treatment and the ability to improve motor function,” said Stice. “Just days after stroke, we saw better mobility, improved balance and measurable behavioral benefits in treated animal models.”…

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  • Stroke West

    Through this model, the research team was able to more precisely establish the repair mechanism by which stem cells work in neural tissue regeneration and neuroprotection than was previously known.”The takeaway from this work is that…

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  • CMaT logo

    “Partnerships of this nature-that span different universities and sectors-are critical to advancing human health around the world,” said UGA President Jere W. Morehead, “and I want to congratulate Dr. Stice and his team at the University of Georgia’s RBC for helping to drive this important research center.”

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  • LK brain glue

    The Brain Glue is a hydrogel matrix with a gelatin-like consistency that acts as a scaffolding for transplanted stem cells, which are capable of repairing damaged tissue. With the unique ability to take the shape of the void left in the brain after a severe trauma, the Brain Glue will enable…

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  • James Lauderdale

    With this device, the team can collect the patient’s own tissue, sort and culture the cells and then place them back into the patient all in one day, said Lauderdale. It can take weeks to perform this task using conventional methods…

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  • scientist at lab

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  • chemical flask

    The newly created public-private partnership, called the National Institute for Innovation of Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals, or NIIMBL, will focus its efforts on driving down the cost and risks associated with manufacturing advanced cell and gene therapies for biopharmaceutical production.

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