Spotlight on Students
Samantha Spellicy, Kelly Scheulin, and Ty Scott Maughon represented the RBC – CMaT program at Stemapalooza. The event was attended by hundreds of students and k-12 educators in and around Cobb county. This year’s coordinator was inspired to invite the RBC students based on an idea, created by Samantha, for sharing past scientific posters with…
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Stewart, a student at Savannah State University, has spent this summer conducting research in the Stice lab as part of Engineering’s Nanotechnology and Biomedicine REU program. Read more about Yasmine
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Following his trip, Michael Bowler is working at St. Mary’s Hospice House as a patient support volunteer and at Mercy Health Center in Athens.
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Emily Grace Pendleton, of the Mortensen lab worked with Dr. Sophie Brasselet, an optics physicist, at Institut Fresnel in Marseille for 6 months and traveled with CMaT International Research Experience for 2 months under the direction of Dr. Frank Barry and the National University of Ireland Galway. That same year Emily visited a laser school…
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For cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiation often cause taste disorders, disrupting proper nutrition intake. The cancer treatments appear to stop the formation of new taste bud cells, which on average occu For cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiation often cause taste disorders, disrupting proper nutrition intake. The cancer treatments appear to stop the formation of new…
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Ahmed captured cells of a mouse brain cortex. MBF Bioscience, is the leading provider of quantitative microscopy equipment for life science researchers
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“Today’s event was a valuable opportunity to showcase ongoing efforts and to highlight the close, interdepartmental partnership between the RBC and ADS,” said newly appointed ADS department head, Francis Fluharty.
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From left to right is Mariafernanda Alcalde, Franklin West, Wahenoor Anand and Abby Temple. CURO opened April 8, with 216 oral presentations and 395 posters.
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Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) Competition is an international research communication competition.
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Kelly Menees and Rachael Hart both won! BHSI provides awards for students wishing to travel to scientific conferences or courses.
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