Spotlight on Students
Graduate students of the RBC hosted a “Paint your PI” event at Southern Brewery. Oh what fun!
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Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM. More than 1,300 participants attended the conference, most students who represented more than 250 colleges and universities, including 51 historically black colleges and universities.
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“For the past year, I have worked closely with RBC faculty Tarkesh Singh in the Department of Kinesiology. In his biomechanics class, Dr. Singh employed several practices that encouraged learning through a cooperative environment with our peers. I really enjoyed this aspect of the class, and I feel like I learned more in the course…
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2018-2019 Fellow Meghan Logun is a 3rd year PhD candidate in the RBC Neuroscience program researching mechanisms behind malignant glioma invasion in rodent models.
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